Retrospective Planning Application

Retrospective Planning Application

Loft Conversion

The failure to obtain planning permission or comply with the details of a permission is commonly known as a ‘planning breach’

Call us on 02084072472 if you want us to help you with your retrospective planning application.

A planning breach usually occurs when:

  • A development that requires planning permission is undertaken without the permission being granted – either because the planning application was refused or was never applied for
  • a development that has been given permission subject to conditions breaks one or more of those conditions.

In such cases Plan B Architecture can help you to prepare planning drawings for the retrospective application where planning permission has not been sought originally.

We follow 4 steps in such cases:

Step1)  Assessment and review of your planning case. This gives us the best possible insight into a planning case to determine whether we are likely to secure planning permission for you. We try to find key  potential obstacles if any that could hinder the success of your retrospective planning application.

 Step2)Doing site survey

 Step3)Preparing scaled planning drawing for the work under taken

 Step4)Preparation and submission of planning application. iasing with the council till you get your planning application results.

 However, in certain cases the council can issue an enforcement notice requiring you to put things back as they were.The local planning authority can serve an enforcement notice on you when they consider you have broken planning control rules. Normally this will be because they consider what you are doing, or have done, is harmful to your neighbourhood.

It is illegal to disobey a enforcement notice unless it is successfully appealed against. You can appeal against both refusals of permission and enforcement notices but if the verdict comes out against you and you still refuse to comply you may be prosecuted.

Call us on 02084072472 if you want us to help you with your retrospective planning application.

Retrospective Planning Application

Retrospective Planning Application

Loft Conversion

The failure to obtain planning permission or comply with the details of a permission is commonly known as a ‘planning breach’

Call us on 02084072472 if you want us to help you with your retrospective planning application.

A planning breach usually occurs when:

  • A development that requires planning permission is undertaken without the permission being granted – either because the planning application was refused or was never applied for
  • a development that has been given permission subject to conditions breaks one or more of those conditions.

In such cases Plan B Architecture can help you to prepare planning drawings for the retrospective application where planning permission has not been sought originally.

We follow 4 steps in such cases:

Step1)  Assessment and review of your planning case. This gives us the best possible insight into a planning case to determine whether we are likely to secure planning permission for you. We try to find key  potential obstacles if any that could hinder the success of your retrospective planning application.

 Step2)Doing site survey

 Step3)Preparing scaled planning drawing for the work under taken

 Step4)Preparation and submission of planning application. iasing with the council till you get your planning application results.

 However, in certain cases the council can issue an enforcement notice requiring you to put things back as they were.The local planning authority can serve an enforcement notice on you when they consider you have broken planning control rules. Normally this will be because they consider what you are doing, or have done, is harmful to your neighbourhood.

It is illegal to disobey a enforcement notice unless it is successfully appealed against. You can appeal against both refusals of permission and enforcement notices but if the verdict comes out against you and you still refuse to comply you may be prosecuted.

Call us on 02084072472 if you want us to help you with your retrospective planning application.

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Your enquiry will be dealt with promptly and in complete confidence.

Planning Drawings for New Build Flats Detail

Every Planning Application for new build flats, regardless of its scale, must be submitted with architectural drawings which outline the proposed development. If you are looking to construct a new build flats, you will require planning drawings to accompany your planning application.

Please call us on 02084072472 if you are thinking of constructing new build flats and we can guide you.

To accompany your planning application your proposal will require scaled drawings of the proposed flats to submit to your local authority. At Plan B Architecture we can design the flats and prepare clear and precise planning  drawings using the latest CAD software.Going ahead with any type of building works without obtaining relevant permissions may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Planning Application Drawings For New Build Flats.



Planning Drawings for Build Garage Detail

A Planning Application for a new garage, regardless of its scale, must be submitted with architectural drawings which outline the proposed development. If you are looking to construct a new garage, you will require planning drawings to accompany your planning application.

Call us on 02084072472 if you are thinking of constructing a garage and we can guide you.

To accompany your planning application your proposal will scaled drawings of the proposed garage to submit to your local authority. At Plan B Architecture we can prepare clear and precise planning  drawings using the latest CAD software.Going ahead with any type of building works without obtaining relevant permissions may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Planning Application Drawings For New Garage.



Planning Drawings and Permission for Driveway Details

As a property owner it is your responsibility to get the relevant permission if you plan to make a driveway or a patio. Depending upon the area, size and location of your driveway you may require planning permission. Many proposed driveway or patios may come under permitted or lawful development.

Call us on 02084072472 if you are thinking of making a driveway or a patio and we can guide you.

If your proposal requires planning permission you will require scaled drawings of the proposed driveway or patio to submit to your local authority. At Plan B Architecture we can prepare clear and precise planning drawings using the latest CAD software.

Going ahead with any type of building works without obtaining relevant permissions may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.It is important to note that regardless of whether or not your proposal requires planning permission or not, you will need to submit scaled architectural drawings of your proposals to your local authority.

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Planning Application Drawings For Driveway Or A Patio.


Planning Drawings for Interior Remodelling

It is very common for homeowners to remodel the interiors of their house by breaking a wall here, creating more space there, putting up another partition wall to create an extra room etc. Sometimes this redesigning may be straightforward and you may not require drawings or designing. For eg. Just creating a new door between hall and living room. But most of the times if you plan to redesign your house internally then it’s best to get an experienced person to do that for you.

Please call Plan B Architecture today on 0208 4072472 to find out how we can help you with your planning needs for the Interior Remodelling.

We at Plan B Architecture have designers and architects who can are trained to create the best possible solution for any space. We are aware that space is a premium especially in big cities so we aim to give you ideas wherein you can maximise the functionality of your space.

No job is too small for us. Contact us if you are thinking of internal redesigning of your house or changing the layout of your house and we can guide you.  At Plan B Architecture we can prepare clear and precise planning drawings using the latest CAD software which can help the builders to understand the proposal easily.

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Internal Remodelling Or Redesigning Your House.


Planning Drawings for Change of Use Detail

The Town and Country Planning Order puts uses of land and buildings into various categories known as ‘Use Classes’ including houses.If you intend to use a building or a house for any new purpose you may require a ‘change of use’ permission from the local authority.

Please call us on 02084072472 so we can help and guide you on a change of use permission.
Some common change of use applications and drawings which we regularly prepare are
•    conversion of a house into flats
•    conversion of a shop into a takeaway
•    offices into flats
•    offices into children’s nursery.

As a property owner or leaseholder it is your responsibility to check with your local planning authority to determine, in the first instance, depending on the individual circumstances of each case, which use class a particular use falls into and whether you require a change of use permission or not.
Depending upon the use class and your proposed use you will require planning permission.  It is absolutely necessary to obtain the required change of use planning permission

prior to beginning any works. Going ahead without this may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.We at Plan B Architecture have done numerous change of use drawings using the latest CAD software and have acquired successful planning permissions for our clients.

Please call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Planning Application Drawings For A Change Of Use Planning Application.




Planning Drawings for New Build Houses Detail

Every Planning Application for a new build house on a piece of land, regardless of its scale, must be submitted with architectural drawings which outline the proposed development.If you are looking to construct a new build house, you will require planning drawings to accompany your planning application .

Call us on 02084072472 if you are thinking of constructing new build house and we can guide you.

To accompany your planning application your proposal will require scaled drawings of the proposed house to submit to your local authority. At Plan B Architecture we can design the house and prepare clear and precise planning  drawings using the latest CAD software.Going ahead with any type of building works without obtaining relevant permissions may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 For Planning Application Drawings For New Build House.
