


Adding a solar panel is one of the ways to make your home eco friendly.In many cases, planning permission is not required if solar panels are fixed to the roof of a single dwelling house.

Please call Plan B Architecture today on 0208 4072472 to find out how we can help you with your planning needs for the Solar Panel.


If solar panels are fixed to the roof of a single dwelling house planning permission may not be required.
The following rules apply to roof and wall mounted solar panels:-
•    Panels should not be installed above the ridge line and should project no more than 200mm from the roof or wall surface.
•    If your property is a Listed Building, installation is likely to require an application for listed building consent, even where planning permission is not needed.
All solar installations are also subject to the following:-

•    Panels on a building should be sited to minimise the effect on the appearance of the building.
•    Should be sited in order to minimise the effect on the amenity of the area.
•    Where they are no longer required for microgeneration, they should be removed as soon as possible. 

Solar Panels in a Conservation Area:

If your property is in a Conservation Area or in a World Heritage Site, planning consent is required when panels are to be fitted on the principal or side elevation walls and they are visible form the highway. If panels are to be fitted to a building in your garden or grounds, they should not be visible from the highway.

Solar Panels in a Flats and Maisonettes: 

Permitted development rights for solar panels are available for buildings which consist wholly of flats.
Note – If you are a leaseholder you may need to get permission from your landlord, freeholder or management company, if you wish to install solar panels.

In recent years the installation of solar panels has becomre popular.Building Regulations will Normally Apply should you wish to fit them to your roof.The key consideration for the building control department is if the existing roof wil be able to take the extra roof loadings that solar panels will impose on it.Futher more regulations will also apply to the electrical installation too.

At Plan B Architecture we would be glad to assist you with any query you may have regarding installation of solar panels.
Should you need planning permission, we would be glad to assist you with all elements of your application. 

Please Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 To Find Out How We Can Help You With Solar Panel Installation.