


If you are lucky enough to live in a house with a garage then you may also convert the garage into habitable space. Doing a garage conversion can be a cost effective way to increase the area of your current home as well as its value.

Converting a garage into habitable accomodation provides following benefit:

• Additional space
• Extra space for home office.

Planning Permission may not be required to convert a garage into a habitable space subject to the following limits and conditions:
•    Providing the work is internal and does not involve enlarging the building planning permission is not usually required.
•    Your  local authority may have removed your permitted development rights if you live in a new house or a Conservation Area, it is then likely that you may need planning permission to convert your garage. Always check with your council before commencing any works.
•    Where work is proposed to a listed building, listed building consent may be required. 
Garage Conversion in a Conservation Area: If you are planning to convert your garage and your property lies in a conservation area, there is s strong possibility that Planning Permission would be required. It is advisable to check with your local authority before commencing nay works. It is absolutely necessary to obtain the required conservation area consent prior to beginning any works. Going ahead without this may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.
Garage Conversion in Flats: If you live in a flat and intend to c convert your garage there is likelihood that you will require planning permission. You must check with your local authority giving them details of your proposal.
If you want to convert your garage into a habitable space building regulations will be required covering the following common works:
  • Doors and windows
  • Drainage
  • Electrics
  • External walls
  • Internal walls
  • Roofs
  • Floors
At Plan B Architecture we would be glad to assist you with any query you may have regarding your convert your garage. Should you need planning permission for a garage conversion, we would be glad to assist you with all elements of your application.If you would require drawings only, we can provide you with detailed existing and proposed drawings for all types of garage conversion.
Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 To Find Out How We Can Help You With Your Garage Conversion.