


Constructing a fence or a boundary wall around your house offers security to your property. Addition of an appropriate fence or a boundary wall can be aesthetically pleasing, offering kerbside appeal and can help sell your property. 

If thinking of erecting a fence, boundary wall or a gate, you will need planning permission if:

•    It is greater than 1 metre in height and adjacent to a highway used by motor vehicles and if it is greater than 2 metres in height elsewhere.
•    If your home is subject to an article 4 direction or to a planning condition.
•    If your house is listed or within the curtilage of a listed building.
•    The fence, wall or gate forms a boundary with a neighboring listed building. 

Garage Conversion in a Conservation Area: In a conservation area you might need conservation area consent to take down a fence, wall or gate. It is absolutely necessary to obtain the required conservation area consent prior to beginning any works. Going ahead without this may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.
Garage Conversion in Flats: If you live in a flat and intend to erect a fence, boundary wall or a gate on your part of land, you will most likely need planning permission. You must check with your local authority giving them details of your proposal.

Fences, walls and gates do not require building regulation approval.
Although building regulations do not apply, the structures must be structurally sound and maintained. 
In certain circumstances, if the garden wall is classed as a party fence wall and subject to the work you intend to carry out, you will be required to notify the adjoining owner of the work in accordance with the Party Walls Act. This does not apply to wooden fences however. 

Please contact Plan B Architecture at 0208 4072 472 to discuss your specific case.

At Plan B Architecture we would be glad to assist you with any query you may have regarding eretcion of a fence, boundary wall or a gate. Should you need planning permission, we would be glad to assist you with all elements of your application.
If you would require drawings only, we can provide you with detailed existing and proposed drawings for all types of a fence, boundary wall and gates.

Please call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 To Find Out How We Can Help You With Your Fence, Boundary Walls Or Gate.