


One may be required to make minor or major changes to their external wall on account of various reasons.Under such scenarios,one must consider the planning & building regulation implications.

Please call Plan B Architecture today on 0208 4072472 to find out how we can help you with your planning needs for the external walls.

External walls


You do not need to apply for planning permission for repairs, maintenance or minor improvements, such as painting your house. If you live in a listed building, you will need listed building consent for any significant works whether internal or external.


Some of the elements normally required to satisfy the requirements of the Regulations for external walls are :
•    Decoration and renovation
•    Fire protection
•    Thermal resistance and changes to ‘thermal elements’
•    Weather Resistance
•    Weight (Loading) 

 If you want to re-render or replace timber cladding to external walls, building regulations may apply depending on the extent of the work.

Where 25 per cent or more of an external wall is re-rendered, re-clad, re-plastered or re-lined internally or where 25 per cent or more of the external leaf of a wall is rebuilt, the regulations would normally apply and the thermal insulation would normally have to be improved.

If you want to insert insulation into a cavity wall the appropriate requirements will be applied to ensure the insulation material is suitable, and that in the case of some foam insulants the risk of formaldehyde gas emission is assessed.

Walls can be constructed in various ways by using timber frame structure or masonry structure. 

Existing External Walls in Conversion Projects

Existing walls will need to be checked for their adequacy in terms of:
•    Weight (Loading) and structural stability
•    Weather resistance (including Damp-proofing)
•    Thermal resistance and changes to ‘thermal elements’ 

If they need to be upgraded, this may well involve the addition of a new internal skin – possibly constructed of lightweight studwork. The detail at the foot of the new skin will need careful planning to ensure that damp-proofing arrangements are sound and that any new timbers are protected from damp.

If you are unsure about whether you are required to comply, you may wish to contact your local Building Control body.

Works on External Walls in a Conservation Area:

If you live in a Conservation Area, a National Park, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the Broads, you will need to apply for planning permission before cladding the outside of your house with stone, artificial stone, pebble dash, render, timber, plastic or tiles.

It is absolutely necessary to obtain the required conservation area consent prior to beginning any works. Going ahead without this may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both. 

Works on External Walls in Flats or Maisonettes:

Please check with your local authority prior to starting any works.
Note – If you are a leaseholder you may need to get permission from your landlord, freeholder or management company.

At Plan B Architecture we would be glad to assist you with any query you may have regarding Works on External Walls 

Call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 To Find Out How We Can Help You With Information On Works on External Walls.