


Converting a basement can be a cost effective way to increase your living space. It adds value to your home and avoids the time, effort and costs associated with moving home.

Converting an existing residential cellar or basement into a living space is in most cases unlikely to require planning permission as long as it is not a separate unit or unless the usage is significantly changed or a light well is added, which alters the external appearance of the property.

Creating living space in a basement is an evolving issue under the planning regime. Currently, converting an existing residential cellar or basement into a living space is in most cases unlikely to require planning permission if:-

1.    A separate standalone unit is not created. 
2.    The usage of the basement is not significantly changed.
3.    A light well is not added.
4.    It does not affect the appearance of the property. 

Any excavation in order to create a new basement would require planning permission. Any new basement with the following conditions will require Planning permission: 

1.    Basements involving major works.
2.    Basements which create a new separate unit of accommodation.
3.    Any basement design which alters the external appearance of your home. For example, the addition of a light well.

Basement Conversion in a Conservation Area: If you are planning a basement conversion or extension to your house in a conservation area, Planning Permission would be required prior to beginning any works. It is absolutely necessary to obtain the required conservation area consent prior to beginning any works. Going ahead without this may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.Basement Conversion in Flats or Maisonettes: If you live on a ground floor flat and plan to convert your basement into a living space you must apply for planning permission.

Yes, you need building regulation for Basement.

At Plan B Architecture we would be glad to assist you with any query you may have regarding your Basement Conversion. Should you need Basement Conversion planning permission, we would be glad to assist you with all elements of your application.If you would require drawing only, we can provide you with detailed existing and proposed drawings for all types of Basement Conversion.

Please call Plan B Architecture Today On 0208 4072472 To Find Out How We Can Help You With Your Basement Conversion.