Plan B Architecture :Our Belief

Our Belief:

Providing excellent service to our clients is the key to the success of our company. We at Plan B Architecture aim to understand you and relate to your needs from the moment you call us and we are extremely passionate about providing the best service.

Our team believes that the client should always be in control of their project and that our job is to guide and help you through our experience and qualifications.

 Obtaining planning permission can be daunting and bewildering for most house owners especially for those who are doing this for the first time. There are many stages to take care of, in between the initial idea and the actual building work. That is why through our experience we have recognised that providing a comprehensive service is the key to making the planning process simpler for the client.

We also believe in transparency of communication between ourselves and the client. So with us you will always get factual

clear communication, important stuff will always be communicated in a written manner to avoid any hassles to both the parties. We do not believe in confusing and intimidating customers with techno babble or confusing jargon. We believe in honest work and keeping it simple.

With us you will never have to deal with hidden or vague charges, as we always provide a written quotation listing out service and terms prior to start of all our projects. This gives the client additional peace of mind as everything is on paper.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us on 02084072472 for an immediate response – we are vitally interested in customer relations. You can also email us at .If your email request is in the evening, you will hear the  following morning. Alternatively, our phone line   is open 24/7.